10 Foods That Will Help You While Studying

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It’s probably fair to say that no one considers studying their favorite hobby. You’re stuck in one place for hours, reading and memorizing lists and facts. It can be really easy to start to doze off, especially when you’re already tired. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could snack on something that would make studying easier? It turns out you can!

Food actually has a lot to do with the way your brain functions, meaning that getting the right nutrients into your body can help with memory retention, focus, and more. Keep reading for some of the best foods you can eat while studying.

1. Avocados – It turns out eating all that avocado toast was actually a really good idea. Avocados are full of monosaturated fats, the good kind of fat, which keeps your blood sugar steady. This means that instead of the crash that follows the high of a sugary snack, avocados will keep you level throughout all night study sessions. They also contain Vitamin K and folate, which help with memory and concentration. If you’re not a fan of eating avocados by themselves, you can try putting them into smoothies.

2. Blueberries – These tiny berries pack a serious punch. Not only are they delicious, they also protect your brain from stress! This is because they have high levels of gallic acid, in addition to vitamins C and K. Blueberries are packed full of antioxidants that help to stimulate the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain, helping your most important organ to work better. Snack on this tasty fruit while reading for some extra help focusing.

3. Egg Yolks – You’ve probably heard that egg yolks aren’t very good for you and that it’s better to just stick to the whites. When you’re studying, however, it’s best to eat the whole egg. Why? Yolks contain large amounts of choline, the nutrient that helps babies’ brains develop while they’re in the womb. Yolks also help to break down bethane, which produces hormones related to happiness – who wouldn’t want to be happier while studying? If you don’t have time to stand in front of the stove while you’re cramming, try eating a boiled egg instead.

4. Walnuts – This easy snack is a great choice during exam week. Only a few walnuts a day can improve your cognitive health. This is because these nuts are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that all help to improve mental alertness. If you’re not a fan of the taste, these can easily be thrown into a smoothie.

5. Green Tea – The next time you’re studying, reach for some green tea instead of an energy drink. As you probably know, green tea contains ingredients that calm you down and slowly release caffeine into your body. Although you might think that releasing caffeine slowly isn’t a good idea when you’re desperately trying to stay awake to study, it actually is. Slow release means you won’t feel jittery or crash later, allowing you to study longer.

6. Dark Chocolate – Chocolate is good for you! Well, dark chocolate at least. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, power through your study session with some dark chocolate. It’s been proven to increase blood flow to the brain, powering up your mind for learning. It also contains caffeine to keep you awake. Even better? Chocolate releases endorphins in your body, which make you feel good and able to keep cramming all night long.

7. Water – You probably already know how important it is to drink water. It’s especially important when you’re studying, however. Water gives your brain the energy it needs to perform all of its most important functions, including memorization. Your body simply doesn’t run like it’s supposed to when you’re dehydrated. Make sure to drink up so you’re in top condition for your studies.

8. Leafy Greens – It goes without saying that vegetables are good for you. During a marathon study session, break for dinner and enjoy a nice salad. Leafy greens not only keep you healthier, but also help with short and long term memory due to their high content of vitamin K, calcium, folate, and fiber.

9. Fatty Fish – Pair your salad with a serving of fish! Fatty fish like trout, salmon, and mackerel are all great choices for dinner when you’re trying to study. These fish all contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can lead to higher levels brain health and cognitive function. Fatty acids are linked to decision-making and memory, so you’ll definitely want to consider option as you work.

10. Whole Grains – Convincing someone to eat bread or pasta usually isn’t too difficult. If you’re trying to study, however, make sure to go for whole grain options. Refined carbs like white bread can lead to lethargy and mental dullness, the last things you want when studying. Instead, opt for whole grain options, which have the opposite effect. Whole grains can actually increase your memory function, as well as give you an energy boost when you’re starting to lose motivation.

About the Author

Lucy Miller is a nutrition student, marathon runner, and a passionate writer for Mind Your Zen, a brain nutrition supplement brand. She contributes to a number of blogs, sharing useful health tips from her research as a nutrition student. She can be reached at lucy@mindyourzen.com
